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Inside GEMS okm
Originally posted by Koala View Postthe inside doesn't look like a premium product ?
how much do they cost ?
The prices of this company are exorbitant, I mean okm company Price: $8000 and they stopped its manufacture
C-Control CPU Unit-M 2.0 BASIC
like this picture
This C-Control CPU Unit-M 2.0 BASIC motherboard is priced at ?25 at Conrad
Where is OKM "company" located?
OKM operator:
in location X, may I ask why do you want our company location?
I just want to start a hot glue company in that area, we have some of the highest tech hot glues in the world
Durable, Robust and Precise.
no need for bolts and screws anymore.
retails for $799 / stick
but for you sir, $499 / stick
you ask why?
i say, Just Because...
Thank you for the interesting "reverse engineering"-pictures, Akhmed.
There exists a special term for these LRL etc. persons:
I'm posting this here because at the LRL-forum this info would fall onto stony, fruitless ground, anyways.
Also here:
"A fanatic differs from a crank, in that a crank is defined as a person who holds a position or opinion which is so far from the norm as to appear ludicrous and/or probably wrong, such as a belief in a Flat Earth. In contrast, the subject of the fanatic's obsession may be "normal", such as an interest in religion or politics, except that the scale of the person's involvement, devotion, or obsession with the activity or cause is abnormal or disproportionate to the average."
In german crank means krank = sick or ill - people which are sick of the real world, which leads to denialism and flight from reality.
This also means that depending on the country - delusions, wishful thinking and cranks are fully accepted inside of the society! *laugh*
Oops, my fault, because I thought we are living meanwhile in the the year 2022 and not in the jungle where the moon-goddess is considered as evil, because SHE represents the NIGHT and DARKNESS .... wooooouuuuhhh aaaahahaaaahaaaaa! Hope I didn't scare anyone.
Perhaps we should glue these criminals and their complicits to death but as long as people loves to become betrayed,
this would be a huge loss for the "this world wants to get betrayed"-scene and their brainless LRL- believers! Hahaha.
But I hope they found huge treasures with their LRLs in the Corona-times when their also crazy rulers destroyed all the jobs,
because otherwise they have learned it now the hard way that relying on illusions might not turn out very well in hard times.
The problem is that everyone has its own imaginations or better said ILLUSIONS of this world.
So if one thinks he must play Rambo at the Ukraine war and he dies, his reproduction is over!
This means that the betrayer and self-betrayer not really is fit for survival, even if he and also
SHE can makes a lot money out of fooling others with their "dirty" success-promising crap.
Women with their attractivity-lies are the worst betrayers ever because they destroy EVERY
true and real possibilty of interaction - in fact you are just interacting with a "shiny" mask!
So the over their victims going egoists of OKM wants to survive by making big "promises"
and treasure-finding-hopes (yes, HOPES, because the hopes are dying at least!) but can't
see that they fall more and more into the pits of their own lies!
Or do you think that a society can works or exists where everyone cheats on everyone?!
Because exactly this is the concept of the liar and betrayer: "I'm fine by fooling others!"
Too bad, that within a half year the complete OKM crew and their lawyers will die from
the poison shot so their concept of surviving by evil tricks was stopped by nature itself.
Same as many celebrities and TV-hosts are meanwhile damaged beyond any recovery!
Personally I don't hate OKM because I never fell for them and their seducing websites,
but principially I'm a perfectionist and I can't stand all these fools, liars and betrayers!
good evening, OKM is a company based in Germany created by a Turkish engineer from the Turkish company MAKKRO, I have reason to believe that one of its first devices was designed by a German engineer: the Future I-160, this device is only a magnetometer flanked by their software: Visualiser3D, it is in my opinion the only OKM device that works correctly and I think that then the Turkish engineer separated from the German engineer and started to design his own devices that work poorly for some or not at all for others, to sum up, his devices are mostly magnetometers that just change in appearance, the device is the same, the rest are LRLs which make you smile and/or pseudo resistivity meters which work randomly because i have already tested the Cave-Finder A and B
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Considered historically the "treasure-hunting-science"suffers the same problems as astronomy (bad = astrology), medicine (bad = faithhealers) or even mineralogy (bad = miraculous wonder-stones) and also geography (bad = all planets incl. earth are disks).
I'm not sure if this Eastern-Germany-based "pretending x-times more as it can"-company has some roots in Tuerkiye but I know that Nokta-Makro made earlier (years 2007-2010) also the mistake in producing some sort of electronical-enhanced-swivel-rods (Jeo-Tara or how the name was).
Perhaps only because of the high demand of superstitious treasure-hunters (which want to find the huge gold-hoards from 100 miles away) or because they were falsely informed and blinded or self a little bit wishful-thinkers but, at least they stopped this crap since ca. 10 years. While OKM and this company from Brazil called Mineoro moved on with their "pure magic"-sh*t.
Science and engineering often = learning by doing and for some it takes a little bit longer to understand that something absolutely does not work! Or why was the so called TOTEM schematic removed from the second edition of the "Inside the metal-detector"-book? Why was it put in there in the first place? And where are its inventors and their fantastic "success-stories"? Dissolved in thin air or what? In the end no one likes to admit the own failures because this would create a bad reputation and others or the purpose-community would kick such "losers". But of course first they love the money which betrayers and pretenders can gain with their illusional lie-stories and fraud-products. And this scum-society still doesn't throws astrologers and other maniacs directly into jail because it likes to get feeded with "life-improving"-illusions! Hahaha! Reality always was the biggest and badest enemy of dreams and wishful-thinking! Or do you see one single woman without any makeup in TV? Besides in some Docus mainly not. People wanna believe they are invincible while they are on the road to their own death! Yes, self-recognition comes with a high price but it can improve survival because of thinking ahead and checking what is, was or might be your own (subjective) role in this whole dirty game of life.