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looking for home-made G.P.R.
home-build GPR
English version on home-build GPR is under construction, will be ready soon, when read it, if you have questions send me E-mail. http://m12.hit.bg/gpr_eng.html
This ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been designed specially for treasure hunting. GPR can find subsurface heterogeneities, as a cavities, tunnels and other objects. The obtained information immediately appears on the laptop display. GPR can find good, subsurface cavities large than 1metre x 1m x 1m, with so-so flat ceiling. Less objects will be find with difficulty and not so deeply. Laptop can be any pentium or even though old 486 with DOS, and COM port ( RS232 ). Manufacturers advertise for similar antennas 150Mhz depth from 7m to 10m, but with a small letters write 'Depth of investigation is understood to be detection depth of a flat boundary with reflectance equal to 1'. But reflectance equal to 1, have only metal flatness 4m X 4m, or a lake bottom. A cave in limestone or dry Soil, have reflectance equal to 0.5 and then 10m x 0.5=5m, but it is true if the cave is big and have flat ceiling.
Specification: Frequency 100 MHz, 150 MHz, 250 MHz, more suitable is antenna 150MHz.
Current consumed - 0.25A from 12V battery.
Weight - kg 4 with battery.
Underwritten examples a real and everyone can teste it.
1. Photo and result of little cave: width 1.5m, length 2m, height 0.8m, the ceiling is 1m deep from surface.
2.Photo, result and plan of the cave: width 1.5m, height 1.8m, the ceiling is from 1.2m to 4m deep from surface.
position a - theceiling is 2m deep from surface
positionb - theceiling is 2.2m deep from surface
position c - theceiling is 3m deep from surface
3. Photo and result of investigation.
Wall - 0.3m deep from surface.
That investigation is with difficulty and can be make from operator with very good experience. Limestone and Dry Soil have similar dielectric constant. To find Limestone in Dry Soil is with big difficulty and have not guarantee to be successful, because the wave can not to reflect.
3500 Euro with software, without laptop.
Download software (demo version) from: http://m12.hit.bg/demo.exe or if can not, send me E-mail.
Home-build GROUND PENETRATING RADARAttached Files- gpr001.jpg (118.2 KB, 10896 views)
- gpr002.jpg (149.8 KB, 8676 views)
- gpr003.jpg (136.1 KB, 8767 views)
- gpr004.jpg (110.1 KB, 7844 views)
- gpr005.jpg (124.2 KB, 7717 views)
- gpr006.jpg (102.4 KB, 7592 views)
- gpr007.jpg (132.5 KB, 7501 views)
- gpr008.jpg (133.0 KB, 7527 views)
- gpr010.jpg (24.1 KB, 7491 views)
- gpr009.jpg (190.4 KB, 8166 views)