I was pleased to find this web site. I am trying to figure out if I want to invest the time and money to build one.
I wonder how much persons who are building their own sonars expect to pay for their sonars excluding their own time and labor?
One type I am interested in is where you buy several transducers and make a custom array. How much money are you saving? How many hours did it take you to build/design yours? Do you have to grind those toxic materials or can you use the size that they come in?
I wonder how much persons who are building their own sonars expect to pay for their sonars excluding their own time and labor?
One type I am interested in is where you buy several transducers and make a custom array. How much money are you saving? How many hours did it take you to build/design yours? Do you have to grind those toxic materials or can you use the size that they come in?