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  • sonar

    We are interested in locating submerged logs
    and don't know exactly what kind of equipment
    would be helpful. Is a software package
    in use that would enable us to record our
    findings and mark them. Also is this a very
    expensive endeavor?

  • #2
    Re: sonar

    Side Scan Sonar has been utilized for many years for underwater logging.

    The choice of the equipment will depend somewhat on the depth of the logs and the area to be covered.

    In general a good Side Scan Sonar system will cost over $20,000. Operation of the Side Scan is not the same as running a depth finder. Proper training and many hours of actual experience will be needed to become proficient with the use of this type of equipment.
    I would suggest that you consider hiring someone with a high quality side scan sonar unit that has a number of years of experience in locating varous type of objects on the lake bottom.

    I am not aware of specific software for underwater logging. Use a GPS to dertermine the position of specific log targets on the side scan record, and then use those reference targets to determine the location of other logs in the same vicinity.

    The expense of this operation will be very dependent on the type of logs and the price that can be obtain for each of them, where they are located, concentration of logs, search and diving equipment, excavation equipment, boat, crew, legal considerations, distance to the buyer of the logs, etc.

