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Stop loosing Sidescan and other things

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  • Stop loosing Sidescan and other things

    If you operate a sidescan you will know that one of the dangers is loosing the towfish by snagging on underwater debris or the cabkle getting cut bt props. In these instances it can be very difficult to recover the fish, even if you have a good idea as to where it was lost.

    We have the answer! Underwater acoustic markers. These units sell for under £200 with the relocating equipment costing under £2000. Tha markers are small, about the size od a fat cigarette, and have very long batttery life, up to 4 years.

    If you are interested in this product, which can be used to relocate stationary items as well as lost assets, then have alook at our website this will be the second most important purchase you will have made!

    Click Here