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Potential forum change... please read

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  • Potential forum change... please read

    I mentioned last August that I was considering a change in the forum. Since then, I've evaluated several scripts, and chose vBulletin as having the most features needed for this site. I know that the prior feedback was mostly to leave things as they are, but I cannot afford to spend any time maintaining or enhancing this code. And since I would like to significantly restructure the topics, now is a good time to switch.

    Switching to a new forum script has several benefits, including lower maintenance for me, and more features for you. There might be some drawbacks as well. It might be a little slower, though vBulletin is supposed to be the fastest of the PHP-based forums. And, right now, email notifications will not include the full message text, only a link to the forum.

    I've set up the vBulletin forums for everyone to try out, link is below. Right now, only the Test forum should be active. Lately, I've been working on a method to import all the existing messages, but have only pulled in the Mag and Sonar messages. You should be able to view them, and run searches on them.

    What I would like is FEEDBACK. Explore the features and settings. How do you like the software? (I did NOT like these kinds of forums at first, but after using them, I now like them better than the old style.) How is the speed? (I am on cable, I especially want to hear from dial-up users.) How about the structure? I wanted to divvy up the discussions into more relevant topics, to make it easier to find information. When I import the "Tech" forum, I will move threads to their proper category.

    I have not yet decided on a final move, but am leaning heavily toward what you see on the vBulletin forums. Please take some time to try it out, and let me know what you think.

    Do not post anything you don't want deleted!!

    - Carl

    New Geotech Forums