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Forum Description

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
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Please read BEFORE contacting admins
Topics: 3 Posts: 3
Last Post: Other Issues
3 3
by Carl-NC
Read this first before posting
Topics: 2 Posts: 2
2 2
Inside the Metal Detector
Discussions concerning content, circuitry, source code, etc for the 1st & 2nd editions.
Topics: 58 Posts: 647
58 647
Discussions concerning content, circuitry, source code, etc for the 3rd edition.
Topics: 17 Posts: 239
17 239
IB Designs (4/5)
PI designs (5/19)
Tech Forum
General tech discussions on all types of metal detectors: VLF, 2-box, BFO, off-resonance, PLL, etc. Questions, ideas, and anything else that moves you.
Topics: 5,502 Posts: 83,885
5,502 83,885
PI Technology
Tech discussions specific to Pulse Induction
Topics: 378 Posts: 22,813
378 22,813
Same as the Tech forum, but coil-specific.
Topics: 2,302 Posts: 24,488
2,302 24,488
Detector mods, plus any other useful add-ons.
Topics: 755 Posts: 7,750
755 7,750
If you have a schematic to share, post it here. Please read the Intro post for rules on posting schematics.
Topics: 1,590 Posts: 30,316
1,590 30,316
General Detectors
A place to discuss the non-technical aspects of metal detectors. Your favorite detectors, favorite features, or favorite accessories.
Topics: 59 Posts: 1,241
59 1,241
Tech discussions on mags.
Topics: 737 Posts: 4,134
737 4,134
Technical Books, Papers, and Literature
Technical books, papers, and literature related to treasure hunting technology. Any books written by Geotech members are made sticky at the top of the forum.
Topics: 12 Posts: 169
12 169
Side Scan Sonar
Tech discussions on sonar, transducers, and towfish construction.
Topics: 873 Posts: 3,293
Last Post: JW Fishers Pulse 12
873 3,293
by Yury
Other geophysics techniques, including earth resistivity, GPR, infrared, induced polarization, etc.
Topics: 374 Posts: 3,347
374 3,347
by dellai
Tools & Techniques
Vacuum forming, coil winding, packaging... anything mechanical.
Topics: 203 Posts: 2,109
203 2,109
General Electronics
Cool circuits, tips, techniques, PCB methods, test equipment, etc.
Topics: 588 Posts: 5,850
588 5,850
This is a special section dedicated to coding techniques, tips, tricks, methodology, programming various modules, MCUs, digital filters, etc. Basically, anything code-related.
Topics: 49 Posts: 443
49 443
Project Competition
Got a something in mind you would like to see designed? Post it here and see who can come up with the best solution.
Topics: 9 Posts: 494
9 494
Completed Projects
Projects that have been reasonably completed
Arduino Nano PI (9/945)
Baracuda PI (79/3,654)
Beachmaster PI (3/287)
Geotech Baracuda (53/872)
Hammerhead PI (412/3,517)
Hammerhead II PI (23/688)
Minipulse Plus (191/4,261)
SPI-MX 3b (16/164)
Stuart I & II PI (38/277)
Voodoo (4/1,769)
Active Projects
Projects that are currently being developed
AMX Project (10/883)
Abandoned Projects
Project that were never completed but may still have good info
GPR Project (38/504)
Kingfisher PI (2/56)
Surfmaster II (19/568)
Tinkerer's IB-PI (32/1,822)
USB Projects (10/1,887)
Detectors, parts, electronics, and so forth. No dealer restrictions.
Topics: 1,057 Posts: 5,605
1,057 5,605
Treasure Magazines & Books
Buy-Sell-Trade-Discussion specifically for treasure mags, books, & other publications.
Topics: 213 Posts: 456
213 456
Vintage & Collectable
Pics & info on vintage detectors, for those who like "the good ol' days" of digging everything.
Topics: 185 Posts: 1,014
185 1,014
Melbeta's Vintage Files
Unique vintage metal detector info donated by denizen 'Melbeta'.
Topics: 74 Posts: 535
74 535
Free Advertising
Those who have products & services they would like to advertise may do so here. Please read the Intro post.
Topics: 122 Posts: 135
122 135
Offsite Forums
Advanced Metal Detecting Research Lab
Italian website run by Leonardo Ciocca. Since 2009, a technical reference point. Objective and impartial to all lovers of the metal detector.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Eric Foster's PI Tech Forum
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Pulsdetektor Forums
Tech forums dealing with the various Pulsdetektor projects. German only, Click Here for a BabelFish English translation.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
Russian Metal Detecting forums
Lots of technical forums, but all in Russian. Click Here for a BabelFish English translation.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0 is the former host for Geotech. These are general Treasure Hunting forums.
Topics: 1 Posts: 7
1 7
The world's largest forum dedicated to the discussion of LRLs and related devices.
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0