I keep a database of popular culture references to geophysics. By popular culture I mean: books, magazines, television, movies. Dan Brown's book Deception Point discusses an urealistic GPR results. Popular Mechanics magazine had a one page discussion of tunnel detection last year and did a profile of a geophysicist who is a volcanologist. Television shows such as Bones, Law & Order, The X-Files, Warehouse 13 and CSI have all shown GPR in at least a few episodes The two movies that most people think of are Jurassic Park for the GPR sequence at the beginning and The Core for its abuse of science. I am asking the forum members to let me know of any other examples of geophysics in popular culture. I'm not asking for critique about whether or not the method was used correctly, since they usually aren't. Thank you for any input.
Books-Author, Title, year, page number where geophysics discussed, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Magazines-Author, Title, year, page number, volume, issue number, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Television-Show name, episode number, original air date, time in episode when geophysics is used, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Movies-Title,release year, time in movie when geophysics is used, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Books-Author, Title, year, page number where geophysics discussed, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Magazines-Author, Title, year, page number, volume, issue number, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Television-Show name, episode number, original air date, time in episode when geophysics is used, short description of the geophysical method discussed
Movies-Title,release year, time in movie when geophysics is used, short description of the geophysical method discussed