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PC Software and Humminbird 987c Transducer

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  • PC Software and Humminbird 987c Transducer

    Has anyone tried to use side scan software with the Humminbird 987c transducer? What would it take to tap into the signal coming off this unit and display and and record it to a laptop?


  • #2
    Originally posted by rgecy
    Has anyone tried to use side scan software with the Humminbird 987c transducer? What would it take to tap into the signal coming off this unit and display and and record it to a laptop?

    I asume that these transducers are made the same way as "all other" transducers, and therefore would require some converting of the analoge transducer signal into a digital signal. That part would at least require a A/D converter of some sort, and from there you would need some kind of software that could display and record the data.
    I am currently looking at GeoPro LT, SonarWiz, Hypack ans QTC Sideview, but dont know if the last two of them can be used in a configuration like this.
    If I could get an working copy of the software, I will let you know.


