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barracuda x

  • diegogeid
    started a topic Rev A - Stuck in step 7

    Rev A - Stuck in step 7

    Hello, my name is Diego, I'm from Argentina. I recently bought a kit from Silverdog and started to follow the instructions step by step. I've cleared them all until I reached the dreaded step 7. Since I don't have access to a scope I've been doing it just with the help of a Multimeter and a Component...
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  • q@l@p
    started a topic 2N5484 Barracuda metal detector

    2N5484 Barracuda metal detector


    I am sorry if the thread is incorrect. I purchased the PCB of Barracuda at a Silverdog shop. And it was almost complete. There is only one problem. It is a semiconductor of 2N5484. It is extremely difficult to procure this electronic component in Japan. I have a question....
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  • omr255
    started a topic Step 7 question

    Step 7 question


    I am on step 7 of the kit (so far works) and I am not sure whether to continue or not.
    R14 does not seem to change at all apart from a slight change in the faint hum coming off the coil.
    Could I have possible got the wrong pot in place (20k in 100k)?
    The top of the...
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  • omr255
    started a topic Problem with building barracuda. HELP!!

    Problem with building barracuda. HELP!!

    Hi everyone!

    I am new to this forum so please let me know if I do anything wrong.

    I have bought a barracuda rev a set from silver dog and I am having some problems getting it to work. It seems as if half the board is not recieveing power as the speaker/buzzer has 0v on...
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  • geoscash1
    started a topic I can Hear it !...Super Amp...

    I can Hear it !...Super Amp...

    As you have probably already figured out I am always having a hard time hearing so have been looking
    for a simple way to amplify the sound on my detectors (surf pi and barracuda).

    I like to have a good volume from the speaker mostly because of rattlesnakes where I hunt, dont like...
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    Last edited by geoscash1; 05-23-2014, 05:37 PM. Reason: image attachment not working

  • gryse
    started a topic Coil for the Barracuda and SurfPI

    Coil for the Barracuda and SurfPI


    So i've tried and I think failed at my first attempts of winding a coil for both the barracuda and surfPI

    The coils made were a 190mm basket weave with .63 enameled copper. Resulting in L = 153uH This was connected to the surfPI and does (semi) work, could detect at depths...
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  • tonyh
    started a topic Spiral VS bunched wires?

    Spiral VS bunched wires?

    Hi, Im getting to the final stages of building my Barracuda and thinking about my coil.
    The shell I have bought will only take a bunched wire coil, I was wondering if coil builders out there have any performance comparision between a flat spiral and a bunched coil? or are they as good as each...
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  • Alexismex
    started a topic BARACUDA-Legend-1


    Hello ,this is my aportation for this 2011 year for all my friends of the Geotech Forum...
    It is about the legendary BARACUDA...yes i have bought with a good LUCK a 2 hand old model from 1994 ...i test it very nice ...detect in air= alum.coca can at 65 cm very well and gold ring (20mm)...
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